RANK in Google for YOUR Keywords & Make More Sales!

Create Micro-Niche Authority Cloud-Sites
That Juice-Up Your Properties & Help
You RANK Higher

Watch the video below to see how

Get Quality Links that Help you RANK inside of Google

Quality Links

In order to RANK in Google, you need Quality Links.

Quality is determined using 2 main factors (Authority + Relevancy)

Links from High Authority sites that are Related to your Niche are the Best type of links.

But they are also the hardest type to find.

High Authority Micro-Niche Cloud Sites that Google Loves

Cloud platforms such as Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure and Google cloud are sites that pack a lot of Domain Authority, they RANK for many keywords and are widely used.

Cloud Authority

These Authority Cloud Platforms are available for all to use & benefit from

By interlinking the cloud platforms together you're able to build powerful Cloud-Stacks that help RANK your own properties.

Cloud stack

Cloud stacking allows you to combine, filter and juice-up your higher Tiers.

This puts you in control of powerful Authority entities that help you RANK.

But Creating Authority Cloud stacks has not been Easy...

Till Now

Finally… an Easy to use Software that Builds Authority Cloud-Stacks
That help you RANK Inside of Google Sending
FREE Targeted TRAFFIC to Your Offers.


EziLinkz software

A Simple to use software that lets you create Quality Links using
Micro-Niche-sites on Authority Cloud Platforms that Google loves

Just 3 Simple Steps to
Create Micro-Niched Cloud Stacks that Help you RANK

Step 1

Select a Cloud Stack Interlinking Strategy

Step 2

Auto Generate content for ANY Keyword or add your own

Step 3

Add Links, GBM iframes, video embeds & wait for results

Get Instant Access to EziLinkz

EziLinkz will Automatically:

EziLinkz creates the perfect type of Micro Niche sites using proven interlinking strategies that help RANK your properties higher

Here is what it can do for you...


Deploy Micro-Niche-Sites on 5 cloud Platforms

Google Loves these Sites


Build Cloud Stacks using Authority Platforms

Send Link-Juice that helps you RANK


Create Optimized content for ANY keyword

Build sites in ANY Niche


Generate RSS Feeds, XML & HTML Sitemaps

100% optimized to get RESULTS


Schema markup and Social Cards for every post

Give google what it likes


Add Featured Images, Videos, banners & Multimedia

Make your posts look great


5 templates to choose from & the ability to create your own

Create unique sites


Customize and personalize every site the way you like

Your in full control

And Much More

EziLinkz Performs all these actions to give you exactly
What you need to get Results... FAST!

Here are five easy ways to start benefiting from EziLinkz immediately:

Create Cloud Sites

Create Sites on 5 Authority Cloud Platforms (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM and BackBlaze)

Build Cloud Stacks

Build Multi Tiered Interlinking Cloud-Stacks that send Authority to ANY URL helping you RANK Higher

Generate Optimized content for ANY Keyword

Send Relevant Links that help RANK Any Site, no matter what the Niche

Over 202 IP's

Benefit from over 202 Unique IP’s for Maximum SEO value & Link-Juice

Get Authority Links

Get Do-Follow Links, NAP Citations GMB & Video Embeds that help RANK you higher

Get Instant Access to EziLinkz

EziLinkz Creates Authority Sites that Send Link-Juice to Your Properties
So You Can RANK Higher

Cloud Authority

Cloud platforms come with some Amazing Domain Authority of their own which EziLinkz leverages.

EziLinkz will Link multiple cloud platforms together to create Powerful Cloud-Stacks...
Allowing you to send Authority to your properties and RANK them Higher.

Google Ranking

The Cloud-Stacks that EziLinkz creates use Authority Platforms that Google Love. When combined with Niche-Specific-Sites that EziLinkz generates, it makes your Backlinks 10X More Powerful & Helps you Rank Higher in Google

Your Own Multi-Tiered Entities, Bursting with Authority, that help you RANK

Tiered Link Building is one of the Easiest and Safest ways to Create Links.
It stacks Authority platforms together to get Strong Links AND focuses on Quality over quantity..

Tiered Links

EziLinks Lets you build Multi-Tiered-Linking Cloud-stacks using 4 Optimized Startegies And provides full control for selecting the Tiered Levels for your Platforms.

EziLinkz comes Fully Configured & Ready to Get you RESULTS

Ranking Results

EziLinkz comes fully ready and configured to work with all 5 Cloud platforms from the get go.

Unlike other software tools or applications, You don't need to signup to any of the Cloud platforms yourself.

This means You won't need to add your card details, worry about any limitations or restrictions, and you won't need to go through the tedious steps of creating API credentials..

Many of the cloud platforms are selective to the type of Cards they accept or the country of residence... You won't need to worry about any of this.

EziLinkz removes the frustration associated with signing up to the cloud platforms yourself so that You can Focus on getting RESULTS!

Just Check Out these Powerful Features

Works with 5 Authority Cloud Platforms (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM & BackBlaze)

Create Blazing Fast Micro-Niche Optimized Cloud-sites that Help You RANK

Generate Optimized Content for ANY keyword in ANY Niche that Google Loves

Build Authority Cloud-Stacks that Are Bursting with Authority to send Link-Juice to ANY URL

Deploy Multi Tiered Cloud-Sites using 4 Optimized strategies for Safe & Effective Results

Create SEO-Friendly Sites that include RSS feeds, XML & HTML Sitemaps for Optimum RESULTS

Get Links from over 202 Unique IP's in different regions, Excellent for IP diversity

Fully Configured and Ready to get you Results - No need to signup to cloud platforms or create API Keys

Comes with 5 website Templates with the ability to create your own - Make all your sites look Unique

Create your very own Private Network of Authority Cloud Sites that You Control - Send Authority to ALL your properties


Conservatively speaking, you could easily spend $500 or more to get all the functionality and capabilities that you get with the EziLinkz.

So How Much will it Cost to Tap into the Power of EziLinkz?

For a Very Limited time, You can fully utilize EziLinkz for just a Tiny Fraction of that Cost

Take advantage of our limited time launch pricing and get
EziLinkz for an insanely low price!

Note: This pricing is only available to a limited number of users! Once we fill our quotas,
we will be increasing the price significantly!

Just choose the option below that best fits your needs


Access to All Features
Works with 5 Cloud Platforms
Create 100 sites on Each platform
(500 Cloud-Sites Combined)
Create 30 Posts per site
(15000 posts Combined)
$27 Per Month
Best Price
Access to All Features
Works with 5 Cloud Platforms
Create 100 sites on Each platform
(500 Cloud-Sites Combined)
Create 30 Posts per site
(15000 posts Combined)
$197 Per Year
Exclusive Deal
(Works out to under $16.50 per month)
Our Zero Risk Guarantee
Full 30 day 100% Money Back Guarantee

I know you are going to LOVE this software but on the off chance that it just isn’t what you thought or you receive ZERO value from it (highly unlikely)... I’ll refund 100% of your purchase today, no questions asked, no hassle and no hard feelings.

So fearlessly click that BUY NOW button right now and let’s get you started

Get Instant Access to EziLinkz

Questions? Comments? Check our FAQ below, or contact us!

Thanks for checking out my latest product!

Abbas Ravji

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I need To Run the Software?
This will run on any Windows PC or VPS and requires .net 4.0 full version (free). If you would like to run this on a Mac then you will require Parallels or something equivalent.
Are Updates Included?
Your purchase includes free updates for subscription holders.
How many computers can I install the software on?
You can install the software on up to 2 computers but only 1 instance will work at a time
What’s the refund policy?
We offer a no questions asked 30 days money back guarantee so there is absolutely no risk on your part whatsoever.
Are there any more expenses or sites to signup for?
No.. there are no more expenses to work with the software or any sites to signup for. Everything is configured and ready to go so that you can focus on getting results.
How many sites can I create a day?
EziLinkz allows you to create a maximum of 25 cloud sites per a day - this can be 25 single sites or 5 Cloud stacks if using the strategies.There are no restrictions to the number of posts that can be created per a day.
What happens if I go over 100 sites on a platform?
EziLinkz will allow you to create a total of 100 sites on each platform. The only way to create more sites is by deleting sites you have already created.
If I Max out my daily sites then can I still make posts?
Yes, There are no restrictions to the number of posts you can create daily. Even if you max out your daily site creation limit you will still be able to make posts to sites you have already created.
What type of content is allowed to post?
Generally speaking you can post content to promote your sites and entities in ANY niche and ANY language, you can even create sites to promote Affiliate offers. The sites are yours and you can use them as you wish. BUT as with all systems out there are some rules. We do not allow Adult, Porn, or Escort content. No unlawful acts, hate speech or violence against others. No marketing of pharmaceuticals, medical drugs, pills, or prescription medication. No gambling or casino
What if I posted content that violates the terms of the cloud sites?
If you post content that violates the terms, then your account will be cancelled, and content removed.
What happens to the sites I create if I cancel my subscription?
If after 1 year you decide to cancel your subscription then you will have the choice to keep your websites hosted on the cloud platforms. This will cost a maximum of 30 cents (0.30) per a site per a year. You will be able to tell us what sites you would like to keep and what ones should be deleted - or you can keep them all. In addition you will always have a local copy of every site you create on your computer.
Can Ezilinkz be used to compliment other link-building methods?
Absolutley, EziLinkz Allows you to create fresh Micro-niche sites on Authority cloud platforms - these sites can be used to send authority to existing links so to compliment and juice-up existing campaigns you are already working on
Are there any tutorials and training?
Certainly, we have videos explaining every feature of the software along with best practice videos that help you get the best possible results.
What if I need support?
Getting support is easy. You will have access our support email. All support queries are usually resolved within 24 hours or sooner.
How do I get access?
Simply click the buy now button on this page for Instant Access

Get Instant Access to EziLinkz

I still have some questions. Where can I send them to?
You can reach us at support@EziLinkz.com